The Vive for Women blog

Summer Sizzle: Tips for Working Out in the Heat

It’s summer, and the sun is beating down—but you want to keep moving and stay fit. So how do you keep working toward your training…

Barbells and Dumbbells: All the Basics You Need to Know

Have you ever felt intimidated by the barbells and dumbbells in a gym? “How do I use those things?” you might have asked. Or maybe,…

Getting Rid of Fat “Right Here”: Can You Target Fat Loss? 

Many, many people have asked a fitness coach if it’s possible to lose fat “right here.” When they ask, they always point to a body…

Are Healthy Habits Enough?

Are Healthy Habits Enough? Meal plans, supplements, fat-burning workout programs, cleanses, macro tracking, the keto diet and other nutrition regimes—where do you start if you…

Important Muscle Groups Many People Neglect in the Gym

What are some of the most important muscles that people often forget to train? Hint: They’re usually muscles you can’t see right away when you…

What’s the Best Time of Day to Work Out?

Here’s a common gym question: What’s the best time of the day to train? The short answer: It’s always a good time to work out….

Building Strength After 40: Yes, You Can!

Can you build strength after 40? Absolutely! Many people think that we get weaker as we get older. And it’s true that we’ll all experience…

How Fast Can You Gain or Lose Fitness?

Many people who are thinking about exercising want to know how fast you can gain fitness. And current exercisers often want to know how fast…

How to Save Money on Groceries: Comparison Shopping

Inflation, recession, inflation, recession—you can’t check the news without hearing the words. Money is on everyone’s mind these days, and I’m sure you’ve noticed rising…

Why Should You Stretch?

Many people know they should stretch—but they don’t know exactly why. As a result, stretching is often neglected.  But there are a host of reasons…

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